Hi I am Sider Keremidov and I am a sports & wedding photographer based in Chester, United Kingdom.
Unlike most of the working pros I’ve met, I’m among the few who came into this line of work from the corporate world. I spent 20 years holding roles in Multimedia Systems and Information Technology. During those years, photography was nothing more than a serious hobby, something that I enjoyed doing during my free time.
In college, I took many photography classes while studying electrical engineering, but was never able to take off with it as a career.
In the spring of 2015, I realized that I had exhausted the passion that I once had for my career in technology, so I made the jump to photography. I decided to leave the organization I worked for and pursue my dream of being a photojournalist.
Since then, I’ve been working as a freelance photographer based in Chester, United Kingdom, with a focus on sporting events. Some of my other assignments include editorials and corporate events, as well as weddings which I capture using a photojournalistic style.
I am one of the official Canon R Photographers and have been photographing exclusively with the Canon R Series Mirrorless Cameras and lenses since 2021.
I started out using the Canon D400 in 2006 and switched completely to using Canon exclusively when the Canon EOS-1D X was released in 2012. I was invited to be one of the official Canon EOS-1D X - Photographers in the same year.
My current favourite Canon camera is R3. It comes with an extremely powerful processor and lightning fast AF focus with incredible image quality, even at very high ISO, which is important at the low light situations that I often cover.
All of this, the large electronic viewfinder and flip screen makes it perfect for all kinds of photography assignments.