Birthday Party Photography



Book your child's birthday party photography with beautiful video from your child's special day, capturing all the details that you have put so much effort into -the cake, the decorations, the choice of venue, birthday party entertainments and most importantly all those smiles on the kid’s faces, that excitement to open up a new present, a big group happy birthday sing song, all those glances and smirks that you would otherwise have miss! Your birthday party videos bring your child's party to life and what a great keep sake to watch over and over again for years to come!

Essential Package Includes

— 1.5-2 hours of Birthday Party Photographer’s services at your venue — documentary photography
— All usable images (average of 100)

Memory Maker

—  2 -3 hours of Birthday Party Photographer’s services at your venue — documentary and posed photography
— All usable images (around 100)
—  Keep Sake Video — make your day come to life (worth £100)

All Inclusive

— 3+ hours of Birthday Party Photographer’s services at your venue — documentary and posed photography
— All usable images (around 100)
— Keep Sake Video — make your day come to life (worth £100)
— Mini Photo Session for the birthday child and his parents before the event (15-20 minutes) (worth £75)
— Professional Album with Leather, Textile or Velvet cover and 20 pages. (Additional 2 pages -£25)


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